Sunday, April 29, 2012

What's On My Blackberry?

Hello my loves!
Happy Sunday!  Seeing as April is coming to a close, I thought I would share with you all a few pictures that I've taken with my blackberry phone camera this month of random little things that made my days a little bit better!

Girl night in, we found a chip that had a heart shaped hole!  I couldn't resist snapping a picture before my friend devoured it!

mmhh...starbucks and a delicious cake pop!

Fantastic Pad Thai from my favourite Thai takeout place!

A beautiful vintage perfume bottle found in my grandmother's house!

So, this is from March Break, but I never uploaded any pictures from The Black Keys concert, so here's one!

A Shakespearean diss.  My friend has a bunch of really funny quote magnets from various Shakespeare plays, I spent a few minutes reading them all.  There was one about a cream faced loon as well...whatever that is. 

Beautiful butterfly, lady bug, firefly and bumble bee as well as a couple mini cupcakes I made last week.  These both looked lovely and tasted delicious!

My current manicure.  Essie Enuf is Enuf with Sally Hansen Gold Dust on my ring finger!


  1. Nice pics! Very cute
    Btw be sure to check out my new post

  2. Aw the heart shape hole is the crisp is cute! Would love it if you could take a look at my blog -

    1. I know, it was adorable! I think I died inside a little when my friend ate it, ahaha! Thanks for commenting, I'll be sure to take a look at your blog!
      xx, Kels

  3. Hey Kels! I've given you the blogger appreciation award, check it out on my blog <3

    1. Hey Kori, thank you so much for considering me for that award, so sweet! ♥
      xx, Kels

  4. Yum, cake pops!

  5. Those treats look amazing! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm hosting a new blog hop on my blog, if you want to come by and link up!


  6. I am so craving for those mini cupcakes! :) Thanks for sharing those photos, Miss Couture. Did you know that every Blackberry phone comes with the BlackBerry Java Development Environment (JDE)? This application automatically converts .GIF or .JPG images into .PNG format when it compiles a project. :)
