Friday, November 25, 2011

Beauty Rescue: Running a Little Late?

 Hey Everyone!
Do you ever have those days where you sleep through your alarm and find yourself rushing around in the morning with absolutely no time to spare?  Yeah, me too.  Just because you're running late does not mean you have to look like it, so this beauty rescue post will teach you a few easy tips and tricks for getting ready super quickly. 

Start off by splashing your face with cold water to awaken your skin, and make it look more refreshed, and obviously don't forget to brush your teeth.

Apply tinted moisturizer, concealer, a cream blush, curl your lashes and apply mascara.
  Tinted moisturizer is best for late days because it provides light-medium coverage, and can quickly be applied using the hands.  *If you have even skin, you can skip this step and go straight for the concealer!*
Apply a peach toned concealer under your eyes to hide any dark circles.  
When I say to use a cream blush, that's only because it can be applied with your fingers so you don't need to fiddle around with any brushes.  If you wish to use a lip color, I would opt for a product that doubles as both a cheek and lip tint such as benetint, or the Stila convertible colours, that way you don't have to go back into your makeup case to find a certain lip gloss, therefore wasting more time.
Curling your lashes and mascara is a small step, but really makes a difference and can make your eyes look wider and more awake, this is a step i do not recommend skipping!   

As for hair, feel free to throw it into a fast top knot, pony tail, or braid.  They are fast hair styles that look great without taking lots of time.  I'll link a few of my favourite quick hair styles below.

I have a tendency to plan my outfits the night before I actually wear them, especially if I know i'm going to be up really late and won't have time to stand in front of my closet thinking "..what should I wear?" for 30 minutes.  Planning your outfit the night before, or having a 'late morning' outfit prepared is very efficient and will shave 5-20 minutes off your morning, depending on how long it takes you to choose an outfit.

Lastly, it's always good to have nutritious snacks, like Fibre One bars, apples and bananas, and some water, that you can grab on the go so that you arrive at your destination fully nourished and ready for the day ahead.

My favorite quick hair styles:

The Braided Top Knot (Okay, so this one is for if you have a little bit of extra time to do your hair, don't be alarmed by the length of this video, this particular guru has a tendency to talk a lot, so the actual tutorial is only a couple minutes long and starts at: 7:14)

Simple Side Braid

The Ballerina Bun (Just a note, if you're really rushing, I think you can skip curling your hair, and you'll get the same results).

My favorite hair style for when i'm running super late is to throw my hair back in a pony tail at around the middle of my head, and throw in a cute head band.  It takes literally no time at all, and the only tools you need are a brush, pony tail, and a head band.  

I hope these tips helped you!


  1. Great tips! I always need these on cold school mornings! :P xo

  2. ur blog is really helpful!1 thanx for ur comment too!!how abt we follow each other? xoxo

  3. Great tips! I am following you. Have a lovely weekend. <3<3

  4. Thanks girls, i'm glad you found this post helpful!
    Antee, great idea, i'd love to be blog buddies!
    xx, Kels

  5. great post!

    Thanks for sharing this.
    Also thanks for commenting on my blog.

    I'm following you, followback?


  6. this was such a helpful post! :)

  7. Thanks so much for the comment!

    Love the suggestions! Great post*

  8. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! yours is great, very interesting and helpful posts and a nice design!! I am definitely following :) it would mean a lot if you would follow back! xoxo, J.

  9. Thank you for your sweet comments, girls!
    xx, Kels

  10. Fabulous post! thanks for sharing :D I'm following

    Check my blog and follow me if you like :)


  11. i just followed u...hope u will follow back!!!:)

  12. Thank you so much for following Sick by Trend and Antee Gurung! it means a lot!
    xx, Kels

  13. love this post lately alarm clocks aint working for me over tired = sleep in lol great tips

  14. Pinkfrosting86: Oh, tell me about it! For me it's working on law essays until 5 am, and hitting the snooze button until 7:30. haha! Thanks for the sweet comment :)
    xx, Kels
