Saturday, July 30, 2011

Would You Rather: Beauty Edition 2011

Hey everyone!
While trying to catch up on all of the youtube videos i missed while away for 2 weeks, i came across a new would you rather tag, started by sparkliebarbiexo!  I love tags, so i'm going to do this one, and let's get started! 

1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?  Hmm, definitely all of my palettes and eye shadows.  I wear mascara, eye liner and lipstick every time i wear makeup, i don't particularly wear eye shadow like, every day. 
2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again? Unfortunately, i can't pull off cropped hair or a buzz cut like Natalie Portman can, so I'd just never cut it again.
3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek? During the Winter i'd say coral because it just warms up my skin tone nicely, but my face is really tan right now, so i'd choose a pink cheek, for sure.

NARS Niagara Lipstick Review

Hey everyone!
On July 14, while shopping for my mom's birthday present, I naturally found myself gravitating toward Sephora.  My mom likes to makeup shop for herself, so i decided to just get myself a little present.  I've been looking for a more pink toned coral lipstick for a long time, so of course I found myself browsing the NARS lipsticks because NARS has a wide variety of lipstick shades. The shade Niagara caught my eye almost instantly.  I swatched it and booked it straight for the check out, without looking at any other options, and I am so glad I chose this particular color because it is gorgeous and I honestly have no clue why I didn't already own it!  Anyway, let's get started with the review!

Arbonne Sheer Glow Highlighter review

 Hey Everyone!  
Highlighter is the key to a finished and flawless looking face.  This particular product reflects light and has the ability to high light certain features on your face by lending some shine to it.  There are many different kinds of high lighters out there, liquid, powder, shimmery, glittery or luminescent.  I find glittery highlighters more appropriate for a night out clubbing or for parties.  For a more natural no makeup look, i prefer luminescent high lighters, more specifically, the Arbonne Sheer Glow Highlighter.

Update: July 30, 2011

Hey Everyone! 
I legitimately just got home from camp and decided that I just couldn't wait to write up a new blog post for you guys!  So, if you don't mind this post is just going to be a sum up/rant about the fantastic time I had and an apology.  Yes, an apology..  As I'm sure you're all aware, the auto publishing did NOT in fact work which means that you were left with no posts for two whole weeks!  I feel so bad and I just wanted to personally apologize for that.  If you didn't read the update I wrote the day i left, I said that i had written a few reviews and fun posts and set them to auto publish throughout the two weeks I was away and that i hoped that they published but i wasn't sure if it was going to work...clearly, it didn't.  Anyway, I'll be posting those reviews throughout the next few days. Now, on to the fun part!  As you all know, i spent the last two weeks as an LIT at my all time favorite camp with 2 of my really good friends.  I had so much fun and I met so many fantastic people and grew closer to the people i went up with and the people i had met previous years and just all around had the best time ever.  It was really funny though because half of the counselors were my age, but obviously you have to complete the LIT program before you can become a counselor, so I'm going to apply to become a counselor at that camp either next Summer or the following Summer, so I'm super excited.  The only negatives were that i'm a very clumsy person so i got really injured a lot, i'm full of cuts and bruises from tripping and falling, actually, on Wednesday I was walking and somehow i ended up tripping over a rock which not only cut a chunk of my flip flop out, but a chunk of skin from my big toe as well, which was disgusting and hurt a LOT, i'm still limping around right now. Last Thursday i suffered a heat stroke, which was really weird since every body else was completely fine, but don't worry about it, i've completely recovered and I'm feeling 100% better now.  All around, it was just a great experience and I got SO many things crossed off my bucket list, you don't even know!   I had a great time, and i hope you all had a great past two weeks as well.  

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Homemade Lip Exfoliating Scrub Recipes

  Hey Everyone!  
One thing that everybody dreads having to deal with is dry, chapped lips.  Not only do they look unappealing, and feel uncomfortable, but if they are really chapped, they can hurt too.  Below are a few recipes for home made lip scrubs to transform those dry, flaky lips, into smooth and kissable smackers!  Enjoy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Update! (as of July 16, 2011)

 Hey everyone!

I just wanted to remind you that I'm leaving today, and will be gone for two weeks.  I have pre written a few posts, and set them to publish themselves throughout the two weeks that I'm gone. I've never tried to set my posts to publish by themselves, so I'm not sure if it's going to work or not, which is why i quickly wrote this update.  I'm leaving the camp ground on the weekend in between weeks, so if i have access to a computer, I'll check to make sure it's worked, and that the ones I set to publish this week have, in fact, published.  If not, I'll publish ALL of them manually right then and there.  I know that it'll be a complete blog post over load, but I couldn't bare leaving you all without a few fun posts for two whole weeks.  If they don't post, and i don't have access to a computer, then i am SO sorry for the inconvenience. But yeah, I don't want you guys thinking that I just left without thinking about you guys, or if you didn't know i was going away, just decided to take a blogging break for 2 weeks without any warning.

 As you know, I'm sleeping over at my best friend's house the night before i officially leave, so it'll be more convenient for my other friend when she comes to pick us up to drive us down.  I can't drive over to her house though because I can't leave my car in her driveway for two weeks... Which means that I have to walk over to her house right now with my giant suitcase and my pillow.  Thank GOD she only lives a 10 minute walk away...but it's going to be pretty embarrassing.  I'll probably look like a homeless person in a cute outfit.  SO! my fellow Torontonian's, if you happen to see a young lady walking around with a big suitcase and a pillow...that's me! ;)  

Okay, I hope you all have a fantastic next two weeks, and don't forget to follow and comment on my blog posts.  And, why don't y'all leave a comment below telling me if you're going on vacation or to a camp this Summer!  

Just to let you know, my first auto published post is supposed to go up tomorrow, and the second one will go up on the 19th, the third should post on the 22th, fourth should go up on the 25 the fifth and final post should go up on the 28th.  SO if you don't see a post up tomorrow...clearly, this auto publishing thing didn't work. 

Alright, Talk to you soon and i hope you enjoyed reading this update.  x) 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NOTD: "Pretty in Pink"

 Hey Everyone!
As you all know, lately I've become obsessed with color blocking my nails.  I haven't seen too many people in Toronto doing it, so for me, it's become a unique and signature look.  For my post on how to color block, click here.  

Today, i paired two of my favorite pink nail polishes together...Sweetheart, which is a pale neutral pink and Elephantastic Pink, a beautiful bold medium pink. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Urban Decay 15th Anniversary Eyeshadow palette

 Hey Everyone, 
As i'm sure you have heard by now, Urban Decay has created a new palette containing 15 x 0.05 oz eye shadows, retailing for $55 US.  All the colors featured in this palette are limited edition, brand new, never before been seen colors, which makes it a must have.  This palette went on sale this morning, and unfortunately, became sold out before i could order one.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Causes of air bubbles in nail polish & how to prevent it!

 Hey Everyone,
Recently, a reader asked this question on my how to color block post: "...Do you have any tips to not get bubbles when you apply polish? It seems like it ALWAYS bubbles for me. EVEN with my Essies :/" 
I had just typed out my reply when i realized that this is an issue that many people deal with when applying their nail polish, so this post will show you how to ensure that you're nail polish always looks perfect and air bubble free.   In case you're not sure what I'm talking about, i posted a picture of what air bubbles in nail polish looks like above...not pretty, right?  So, let's get started. 

OOTD: Navy & Ruffles

Hey everyone!  Today i thought I'd do an outfit of the day post!  Enjoy! 

Guest Post: Simply Lacey's Fashion Essentials

Hi All! my name is Lacey and I created the blog It has since become my baby where I blog daily about the Fashion Industry, things that make me happy and my opinion on certain things all fashion related. Today I am guest blogging on the wonderful blog Miss Couture 17 and will discuss the items I think every woman should own to help create a wonderful wardrobe and help any woman build up a basic wardrobe. Throughout my post I want you to remember that your style is much different than mine as it is a very personal expression of who you are and how you want people to view you and every piece can be altered to your own tastes.

"It is about style, not fashion.
Fashions come and go, but style is forever".
- Yves Saint Laurent

Saturday, July 9, 2011

NOTD: lucky lucky spender + How To: color block

 Hey everyone! 
Lately I've noticed that color blocking has become the latest trend, not only for clothing, but on your nails as well.  If you don't know what color blocking is, it's basically where you paint your nails bold colors that are complimentary to each other.  Most popular is painting every nail one color and your ring finger another color. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Diorskin Nude Skin Perfecting Hydrating Concealer

Hey Everyone!
'This one is too thick', 'This one is too drying', 'This one has horrible coverage'.  That's what you here from me when ever i try out a new you can guess, I'm pretty picky about my concealers.  So picky in fact, I've never found one that i 100% loved, that is, until now. 

The Christian Dior Diorskin Nude Skin Perfecting Hydrating Concealer (what a mouth full!) is the first concealer that I've found that covers blemishes and imperfections and both hydrates and is light enough for my under eye area, all without causing any unsightly creasing.    

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beauty tag!

 Hey everyone!  I know i don't usually do tag posts, but today I thought I'd make an exception.

How many times do you wash your face daily?
Twice. I first wash my face in the shower, and at night after I've removed all my makeup.

What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo)
combination.  In the winter my t-zone is dry and my cheeks are normal, in the summer my t-zone is oily and my cheeks are normal.  and there are a couple days in spring where my skin is's the weirdest thing.

What is your current facial wash?
Boscia Clear Complexion Cleanser with Botanical Blast

Do you exfoliate?
Once every few days/once every week

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Out with the Old, and In with the New


 Hey Everyone!  
Now a days, we tend to hang on to makeup a lot longer then we should. Either because we're oblivious to the fact that just like food, makeup has an expiration date, because we feel like we'd be wasting product, or because we've grown some kind of attachment to a particular makeup product (i.e. a lucky lipstick). But the facts are, makeup does expire, and when the time comes that your lucky lipstick is starting to smell/taste funky, you need to throw it out and get yourself a new lucky lipstick!  Today's post is simply a guide to when you should throw out your makeup.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tarte for Trueblood Limited Edition Collection

 Hey Everyone! 
For those as obsessed with True Blood as I am, this limited edition collection is a long time coming, but,  I am happy to report that Tarte Cosmetics has come out recently with a True Blood collection this Summer 2011.  The collection features a natural lip tint lip surgence, a cheek stain and, what I'm most excited for, a true blood eye palette!

Monday, July 4, 2011

NARS lipstick: Dolce Vita Review

Hey everyone and Happy Fourth of July!  I'm constantly on the quest to find the perfect 'my lips but better' shade of lipstick.  A few months ago, i found that perfect shade and I can't imagine living in a world without it now.  Which lipstick am i talking about? Why, NARS Dolce Vita, of course!  If you see me write 'MLBB' anywhere in this post, it means 'my lips but better'.  That being said, let's get started! 

How to: Wear Red lipstick

Hey everyone!  
Red lipstick, if worn properly, can make a girl look sexy and sensual and feel as glamorous as Marilyn Monroe; but many people make the mistake of purchasing a red lipstick that isn't right for their skin tone, making them look more like a clown then anything else.  In today's post, I'm going to show you how to choose, try on, and wear red lipstick.  

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Clinique Perfectly Real makeup Foundation Review: holy grail or fail?

Hey Everyone!
There are so many different foundations out there.  Many claim to be very light weight and claim to look like a second layer of perfect skin while still maintaining medium-full coverage.  Now, I've used a lot of foundations in my day and i can tell you that the majority are not light weight AND look completely natural AND have medium-full coverage.  The name of the foundation I'm reviewing today is the Perfectly Real Makeup Foundation by Clinique.  The name really convinces you that this is the perfect foundation, doesn't it?  Well, read on to find out whether or not this foundation is as perfect as it claims to be.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Beauty Essentials!

Hey everyone!
  To kick off July's posts, i thought i'd start with a Summer beauty essentials post. I find that I change up my hair, makeup, and perfume products from season to season.  Apparently i do this subconsciously because I only recently realized that I've been using different beauty products then the ones that i used in Spring.  For example, i never wore concealer in Spring and now that Summer has arrived and I've switched to tinted moisturizer, i find myself wearing concealer every day.  That being said, let's get started.